Career orientation training

Career orientation training

On the 4th of June Becsei Lilla professional career guidance consultant of the Eszterházy Károly Főiskola in Eger held her first study group for group 3 of Jászság.

We got closer with Lilla at the beginning of the four-part long training. We spent the time with interesting and enjoyable tasks while were talking a lot. We recognized these self knowledge games help to show us what we are interested in and what we like to do, and which is the most suitable profession for us. We going to take our matura exam in next year due to this we still have a little time to become awareness. In this summer we have to get more information to decide which profession we need to choose. We would like to contact people who working in the same sector what we are interested in. The training will be continuing in September. We hope that we could tell the name of the concrete fields which will be suitable to our personality.


Major Rudolf and Kalla László, Group 3 of Jászság