Police carreer

Police carreer

On the 26th of March in the Community House of Jászberény, László Oláh-Paulon lieutenant-colonel policeman made a presentation to the children and parents as well.

He gave us very useful advices not only about the police, but also the further education. We got to know how can someone become a police officer and what type of requirements and consequences associated with this career.  He told us his own personal story, how he became a policeman and what does he do, what he loves to do. As for me it was a very important meeting because I want to move on this track too, and he confirmed that I chose the right way. Our older mate, Sülyi Berci joined us and shared his expreriences that he gained in the Közszolgálati University, it was also enjoyable.

Thank him this instructive presentation!

Bence Sós Jászság 3