Rippl-Rónai Festival

Rippl-Rónai Festival

25th May on the first day of the Rippl-Rónai festival with some of our group members we took a look at the street artists and get to know with an individual technic which was showed by Gyöngyi Szabó.She is an artist who studied in the University of Kaposvár. After this we went to see an interactive art exhibition where we painted with laser to photosensitive area. Yesterday everning we saw a great performance of the thetre  the stones the pocket The story is about making a film. Everbady liked it. Before the performance we eacthed the works at Imre Makovecz, who is one of the most famous Hungarian architect. It was good to spend a little time with the group.
27th May during we were eating ice cream we talked to our mentor about the end of the school. And before the last day of the festival we took a look at an exhibition of Imre Makovecz’s artworks who was a really important person in the architecture. We went there because of the group members who couldn’t come with us last time.