S.O.S.- University entrance exams

S.O.S.- University entrance exams

Our university students came up with an idea: to tell us about higher education. They organised a meeting for the members of P1 and P2 and their parents.

On 26th November 2014, Bozsoki Balázs, Magyar Nikolett and Horváth Zsanett presented the different faculties and departments of the University of Pecs. Their presentation covered the topic which secondary school students are most interested in, the calculation of the enrty points. These calculations made us aware that marks 4 and 5 are crucial. Foreign languages are also useful, for which classes are provided at the Foundation. It’s worth going for extra points and collecting as many intermediate and advanced level language exams as possible.

In addition, attending afternoon classes at school and entering competitions can put you in a better position as a higher level school leaving exam or excellent results on a competition can yield extra points at the entry. Following a successful entry we must learn the use of ETR and selecting classes. Presenting university life with examples showed us a more independent yet more responsible life. Our presenters were very prepared. They deserve our praise as their encouragement strengthened us in our conviction that with hard work, perseverance, and will we can achieve our goals.

Thank you for the opportunity.

And the AIESEC joined in…

Though we made contact with the AIESEC in Pecs last year we could really set up our cooperation this year. The first step was the familiarisation with the higher education. On 27th November 2014 Representatives of the AIESEC visited us in the Community house in Pecs and gave a presentation on University of Pecs, especially on the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Humanities. We were informed how difficult the medical and law schools are. Apart from these we were informed about the many organisations operating there. Naaturally we were taught more about the operation of AIESEC which reassured our positive view of volunteering. Not only Europe but the whole world can be visited with the help of it.

We were encouraged to look them up once we become university students.