Vocational day

Vocational day

We spent this day (20th April) with Nóra Krzyzewsky, the quality manager of Bonafarm Group.

After our short introduction, we could listen to a little lecture about Bonafarm. We got to know the story of its evolution: certain companies’ joining and the connection between them. The characteristic of Bonafarm Group is that they established several branches and they do not work as different companies but as a group. Then we had a very nice lunch together. We also talked about our interests, and our thoughts about our future and Nóra also shared her own personal experience. She also talked about an interesting opportunity, the leadingship development programme that we are going to consider later. To sum up, it was a very nice experience to look into the operation of this group. We also could see that lots of work has a result, just like Nóra’s story was. Thank you for this opportunity!

Viktória Kovács, Jászberény 2