Seminar for Parents

Seminar for Parents

The first event of the “Seminar for Parents 2013” was organised at the local library of Jászberény on 29th January.

The head of the library Ms. Nagy Nikolett and her colleague: Mrs. Boda showed us the library and guided while she was talkig about the adult and child sections, the rental and the reading rooms.

In the computer room every member of the library can have an Internet access. The library organises special series of events as well for children as for adults.

In the building we also can find an observatory which is open for enthusiasts. They can participate in the astronomical study circle, organised every week. The library also gives place for particular exhibitions (such as graphics of Marcell Jankovics).

On this day we could hear a presentation about the reading habits of the children and we also could take part in an interactive game, which we enjoyed a lot! As a surprise we got a one year long membership from the library. Thank you for the local library for everything!

Vígné Kocza Éva (Mother of Víg Dávid)