Parental meeting in group Nagybajom 3

Parental meeting in group Nagybajom 3

On June 15th, the last day of the school year, the parent meeting of the 3rd group in Nagybajom took place. We wanted to bring a little novelty to this small gathering. Together with my mentor, Roland, we wanted to emphasize the effort that parents and family members have invested in their children’s learning, in enriching their everyday lives through foundation activities, and in their personal development in various ways. Progressing in an orderly manner, we first presented how grades have changed over the course of a semester, broken down by subjects. In order to convey the proximity of further education and the importance of subjects appearing in the final exams, we specifically highlighted performance changes in Hungarian language and literature, mathematics, history, foreign languages, and natural sciences, so that parents, children, us, the assisting university students, mentors, and development teachers could pay closer attention to these areas. Motivation is perhaps one of the most important factors in children’s lives, so we summed up various merits (grades, attendance at tutoring sessions, work within the foundation) in the form of numbers, and based on the resulting objective ranking, we could draw conclusions. Now everyone knows at what level their child is compared to others, and fortunately, it can generally be stated that these young people want to prove themselves a great deal, so hopefully, they will do everything they can to advance on that particular ladder. After a lengthy analysis, we discussed the schedule for the health camp and the Tokaj camp, and finally, we filled out the official paperwork with the parents, which concluded this semi-annual, yet incredibly important community-building event. Zalán Győző, NB3