Parents’ Academy in Jászberény

Parents’ Academy in Jászberény

The Parents’ Academy on further education was held on 17 November for 8th and 11th grade students and their parents at the Community House in Jászberény. The speakers from Bonafarm, Szimonetta Vuk and Judit Cseh, came to us with a very interesting and high quality programme, where we were able to be active participants in this hour and a half. We heard about the activities of the Bonafarm group and then we solved online exercises on our phones. We worked together with the children and then, in a separate room, we had a discussion with parents about the difficulties we face when our teenage children choose a career. What motivates our children when they make a choice? How much does the expected salary of the chosen profession play a role in their choice, and how important is a love of the profession and a sense of vocation? The discussion revealed that our children are still unsure about their choice and ask for our opinion. We parents have a huge responsibility to steer them in the right direction. We could learn a lot from each other’s stories and experiences.

Thank you very much for all the good advice and helpful hints!
