Parent Academy in Jászberény
“The trainers from the OTP Fáy András Foundation visited Jászberény on Friday afternoon to further expand our financial knowledge. In smaller groups, parents and children brainstormed together, making these sessions so exciting. It’s great to see and hear how smart thoughts, sincere questions, and answers the children have. Through playful tasks, we tried to shop and save wisely. We discussed various topics related to our daily lives, sharing our experiences with each other. For example, how to manage the family budget well? We should always make a shopping list, calculate, weigh the mandatory expenses against the assured income, and plan our expenses in advance. We should do all this from month to month and change our habits if we are not satisfied with the result. Try to save every month. We can already utilize the information about student work when looking for summer jobs. We learned that students can work under very strict rules, and student cooperatives can be of great help in this. Student jobs have several benefits, including the opportunity for networking. We discussed topics that affect every family throughout. The session was in a very good atmosphere, and once again, we gained a lot of useful information.
Many thanks to the Foundation for allowing us to participate in this program, and many thanks to Dóra for the experience and information she shared with us!”
Magdolna Sülyi, Parent of Jászság 1 group
Today, we were visited by Liza and Kitti from the OTP Fáy Foundation, who gave a presentation on financial awareness. In the first part, they talked about income, expenses, needs, and savings. We solved tasks individually and in groups, trying to answer their questions cleverly and accurately. In the second part, we were divided into 4 teams, two composed of children and two of parents. The name of the card game was BanKing. The essence of the game was to build our house without credit. We also liked this game very much and would like to play it again sometime.
Many thanks to the OTP Fáy András Foundation for the opportunity to participate in such a lecture.
Dóra Kecskés, Jászság 2 group