Parents’ Academy

Parents’ Academy

At the Parents’ Academy in the Jászberény Community House we had the chance to talk to psychologist Ágnes Kovács. Ágnes has already held several sessions for children, this was the first time we met her. At first I was very nervous, because I don’t really like to talk in front of others, but everyone was so open and direct that the conversation went easily. We talked about the things that cause conflict in everyday life, such as children constantly on the phone, inappropriate use of the internet and its consequences. We talked about how our children can cope with the flood of information coming from the outside world, or the problems and difficulties they experience in the family. The conversation revealed that many of us are struggling with the same difficulties. We also learned a lot from each other’s stories and received encouragement and strength from each other and from Agnes. The parents of the young people involved in sport confirmed the positive impact that sport has not only on children’s physical fitness, but also on their mental strength. They don’t have much time or energy for adolescent delusions. I feel that we were able to talk very frankly about very difficult and serious topics. I came away feeling really relieved and good, and I think we were all able to unload some of the burdens we had been carrying for a long time. Thank you very much to Ágnes Kovács for the discussion and the useful advice!

Madarasi Józsefné Jászság 1 parent