Parents’ Academy – Choosing a career

Parents’ Academy – Choosing a career

Further education is always an exciting process in the lives of children – and the Csányi Foundation is no different. Admission information sessions and open days are already well underway in the secondary schools of Jászság, and many of us have attended them. In addition, we thought we would invite the heads of those institutions to our Community House where the most people would like to apply during this year’s admissions process. The representatives of the schools were happy to accept this invitation and were happy to answer our many questions.

“In the Community House in Jászberény, a joint Career Orientation Day was held for our 8th and 7th grade children, as part of the Parents’ Academy programme. On this evening we were informed by the deputy headmaster of the Szent István Sport Primary School and Secondary School – Dr. Lívia Zrupkóné Pernyész, the headmaster of the Lehel Vezér Secondary School – István Antics, and the deputy headmaster of the Szent József Catholic Electronics Technical School and Secondary School – János Hajdu. They shared important information that will serve as a crutch for further studies. We were also asked various questions, which were received with a lot of patience and useful advice for the future. Thank you very much to all those who attended and helped.” Ramóna Simon and Zoltán Simon, parents Group 4 Jászság