Parent Academy in Pécs – OTP Fáy András Foundation

Parent Academy in Pécs – OTP Fáy András Foundation

“Today, the OTP Fáy András Foundation visited us at the Pécs Community Center. We participated in an interactive session focusing on financial literacy. The program was open to parents as well, allowing different age groups to compare experiences and expand their knowledge. The session took place in 2 parts, divided into 3 smaller groups, with the trainers effectively coordinating the session while keeping the interest high. Initially, we received comprehensive theoretical knowledge about different types of loans, income sources, expenses, and marketing. There were many interactive games where we could experience budgeting and the risk of investments. My favorite game was when we threw beanbags, and the farther we threw, the more points we earned, but of course, the risk also increased. The game perfectly illustrated how investments work. I believe everyone enjoyed today and gained valuable experience.” – Lili Demerácz, Pécs 2nd group


Photos from the event can be viewed in the Gallery