End of school programmes in Kaposvár

End of school programmes in Kaposvár

In the Kaposvár Community Centre we closed the school year 2022/23 with useful and interesting programmes for young people and parents. The topic of the Parents’ Forum was children’s autonomy and our responsibilities It was discussed what determines the development of attachment to the Foundation and its continuous operation, and it was also important to discuss the tasks of going to higher education, how much responsibility we have to develop the need – parents, young people, mentor together – to undertake and fulfil effective and meaningful mentoring. In addition, representatives proposed tasks for the coming period.

The parents’ meeting of Kaposvár group 2 was about the summer camps and the evaluation of the school year. We were proud to report on the results of the written school-leaving exams, we were happy to summarize the successful language exams of the 12th graders, but it was also mentioned that the 9th graders should get their act together to take the ECDL exams and the language exams as soon as possible.


A summary of the programmes by parent Andrea Nagy:

“The school year is slowly coming to an end, our children are slowly finishing their first or last year of high school. Therefore, it has been a difficult and busy year for some, but for others it has been a different one. There have been moments of joy with our children, there have been difficult times, sometimes awkward games. I had many – many experiences, feelings and thoughts as I rushed to the last Parents’ Academy of the year and tried to reflect on how I had lived this year as a parent. The theme we unpacked with the help of Andrea Sárközy, secondary school teacher, trainer and coach was responsibility/responsibility. The important milestones of the conversation were: expressing emotions (from feelings to thoughts to actions), the role of communication in the family, growing up, responsibility. Andrea, as in the last session, with her presence, empathetic personality, humour and openness, created an atmosphere in which we all felt safe, relaxed and could talk (converse) with honest openness. When discussing such a sensitive topic as personal responsibility, parental responsibility, this is extremely important, as we were sharing our feelings, thoughts and experiences about our children and our family. It was a great feeling to be part of a community where everyone listens to each other, because as we talked about, in today’s society, in today’s hectic life, we see that people care less and less about each other. We also exchanged valuable ideas on the superficiality of communication, on conformity to others, on inherited parental patterns. We also got answers to the question of which parenting styles are most typical for us, based on our main personality traits. The time flew by and it was good to hear in the closing circle that we are not alone in our problems, that our mistakes and facing up to them is what makes us responsible parents. Tonight, I am sure we all returned to our children, our families, our daily lives with positive thoughts and valuable experiences, with the good feeling that we are responsible carers and that we are part of a community where they are supported responsibly to achieve their goals. Thank you to Andrea Sárközy for being with us twice this year to help us! Thank you to the group’s mentor, Angéla V. Sárközi, for giving us this opportunity.”

Young people were also able to take part in meaningful activities during the heatwave. Dominik Antal and Emma Sárközi tried to help their younger counterparts with small lectures on artificial intelligence and Chat GPT, to write the essay for the Veszprém Critical Thinking Development Camp.

“I made a presentation about artificial intelligence(s) and ChatGPT in particular for our ninth grade classmates to help them prepare for the Thinking Development Camp in Veszprém. AI is a very complex topic that requires a lot of knowledge, since there are many aspects and many disciplines involved in the creation of such a program. My understanding of AI is that it is a technology that is able to respond to the stimuli of its environment in a “human”, intelligent way, without constant human intervention. I disagree with the term, because in fact these algorithms are not intelligent, just extremely clever. ChatGPT, for example, works with an internet knowledge base of 300 billion words. Besides, the other huge advantage that gives it its raison d’être is its speed. It can produce a mostly accurate answer from that amount of information in seconds and translate it into over 50 languages. But all that glitters is not gold, and this technology also has many dangers. The two most important are that it could soon threaten many professions and that it is not yet regulated at all. Artificial intelligence is therefore a double-edged sword at the moment that humanity must try to use well, and only time will tell whether it is the hilt or the blade that will win us the day.” Dominik Antal

“Emma and Dominik’s presentation helped me a lot to prepare my essay on the topic for the Thinking Development Camp in Veszprém. Artificial intelligence can be used in many areas of our lives in healthcare to make diagnoses more accurate as well as to generate accurate predictions about market trends. I really enjoyed listening to my classmates’ thoughts on the subject.” Eszter Kovács

“I had many questions, doubts and visions during the presentations. I am grateful for the clarification of several things about the issue and for the success in arousing my interest in the subject.” Sarolta Kovács-Nagy

“Both presentations were interesting, well-rounded and informative, and although they were created to help, I think it would be worthwhile for everyone to listen to the thoughts collected in Emma and Dominik’s reading of Chat GPT and AI.” Enikő Sármány