Study skills in Mohács

Study skills in Mohács

Today, on the 27th of September, the youngest Csányi kids arrived to Mohács to have their study skills training last section.

They participated in the training in a very enthusiastic and active way. They revised what they have learnt and acquired new knowledge: among other important issues, they talked about the importance of reading, about time maagement; how much time they should spend on studying, on doing sports, on being with their families and friends. The second group in Mohács completed today its 30 hours of study skills training.

On  Sunday (28th September) the group 1 of Mohács arrived to the study skills training just as happily as group 2 did had done a day before. During the day they talked about the difficulties of the 5th grade, and also about the importance of keeping themselves to the learned rules. On both days the kids enjoyed their lunches at the restaurant located at the riverside. They were very happy to meet again and are looking forward to their next programme together.

Mohács 1.,2.