Study Trip to Qatar

Study Trip to Qatar

“As a recipient of the New National Excellence Program, I had the opportunity to visit Qatar with the biomechanics research group of the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physical Education at the University of Pécs, thanks to their support. Our destination was the Aspetar Rehabilitation Center and Research Institute located in Doha, where we participated in a professional tour that proved to be incredibly fascinating.

Aspetar is one of the most modern research institutes in the world, equipped with state-of-the-art facilities. It was fantastic to witness how things we do on a smaller scale at home are carried out in a different culture and country with the most advanced infrastructure and equipment. We saw more advanced versions of tools and programs that we also use, such as built-in force platforms, isokinetic strength testing, Zebris FDM, DEXA, etc. Throughout the facility, I felt like I was in the 22nd century; it was astonishing to see that athletes have access to all services in one place, one building.

Without the support of the Foundation, I would not be able to continue my research work and dual career (university studies, research, and sports) here at home. I am grateful to be in such a fortunate position.

During the study trip, I gained knowledge and built connections that greatly contribute to my research work and university studies at home. I appreciate the opportunity provided.”

Ivett Majoros, University of Pécs, Faculty of Sciences, 3rd-year sports organizer student, Pécs 3rd group