Last Class in the Zselic Woods
Our last class of the year was on the 11th of June in the Zselic Park of Stars, where Sasa introduced us to Ádám Nógrádi, the newest student in our group.
We were then guided around the observatory and the telescope, which was under a huge dome. We peeked into the telescope to see a lot of stars, other planets and the surface of the Sun. Then we were shown meteorite samples and told about their stories. After that we watched video sin the planetarium about the constellations and the creation of the Earth. We also learnt that in 2020 space probes will be launched to look for planets with any possibility of life. Across the visitor centre can be found the 25-metre lookout. From the top of we could see the whole Zselic protected area, which is divided between Somogy and Baranya. Near the lookout we found a geocache. In it we found small gifts, though we had to put back as many as we took out and write our names in the logbook. It was so much fun that we decided to look for more caches later on. In our freetime we also ‘explored’ a playground which had carved wooden figures of animals of constellations. All in all, I liked today’s activities very interesting and exciting and I could learn a lot of new things, so I would like to wish everyone a happy summer.
Lilla Fekete