Sleepover days

Sleepover days

The Jászság Group 4 started the year with a sleepover, as it is our tradition that the team spends three days together in the Community House during the autumn break. Unusually, this time it took place during the winter break on 4-5-6 January, so we took the opportunity to prepare for the secondary school entrance exams on 21 January. We spent the morning improving our skills in maths and reading comprehension, and after lunch we did some of the OkosDoboz’s “Emotional Connections” exercises. The related videos appealed to the children so much that we watched more of them and then talked about them. After the tasks, there was time for fun, one evening we went to the cinema, another time we went for a walk around the city. The rest of our free time was spent discussing the tasks and camps waiting for us in 2023. We have our 4th ECDL module exam coming up, and several of the group are preparing for the B1 language exam in the second half of the school year. Andrea Hábenciusné Balla, mentor