
Rehearsals in Pécs

"The final rehearsals before the Life Path Festival began at the Pécs Community House on Friday, April 12th, and continued...

Football and Chess – Spring Round

The spring round of the Football and Chess Championships continued in Mohács. Following the autumn round of the championship organized...

Children’s Parliament session

On 06.04.2024, the Csányi Foundation Children's Parliament held its second meeting of this academic year in Mohács. On this occasion,...

The Talent Selection has started!

The mentors from Kaposvár are already smiling as they welcome the young people and their chaperones to the selection process....

Acting workshop in Pécs

„Tragédia s víg! kurta és unalmas! Az annyi, mint tüzes jég, barna hó. Hogy fér meg együtt e megférhetetlen?”- Shakespeare: A Midsummer...

Poem Festival in Kaposvár

Poem Festival in Kaposvár For the second time, from February 23rd to 25th, we organized the Verse and Prose Recitation Festival...

We sent winter on its merry way

Masked revelers flooded the downtown of Kaposvár on February 3rd, Saturday afternoon, as a carnival parade was organized in the...

Open house with opportunities

Our Community House in Kaposvár held Open Days on the occasion of the upcoming Selection on 26-27 January. On the...

We visited Lake Balaton

Since we saw so many wonderful photos of the frozen Lake Balaton, some members of Kaposvár Group 1 and I...

I’ve been to South Korea

As a snowboard athlete, I had the privilege of participating in a two-week training camp in Pyeongchang, South Korea, host...