

On the 7th of May, on Saturday morning in front of the community house of Jászság we gathered to go to Hollókő like a big family(almost hundred people).

After a good journey, we and our family had a good fun in the village, that is part of the World Heritage. At the castle of Hollókő, we took part in an unusual history class where Matyi Attila wore heavy suit of armour, then we fought with each other like it was a siege. Before the delicious lunch a very nice woman, Piroska néni talked about the traditions of Hollókő and her young ages, how to weave, wove and how the boys were courting the girls. We had a good laught, when the stolen kiss mistery in the spinning cleared. Józsi dressed up as a palóc and Nóri as bride, then they got married, and as it should, the delicious lunch came.

After lunch we visited some small museums, my favourite one was the baby doll museum. Then in this sunny afternoon we had ice cream. Then we had an opportunity to walk along the educational path or just enjoy the nice weather and the peace in the intimate village. Pleasantly tired, full of experience we got on the bus on the way home. We want to say thank you to the Foundation because of this unforgettable day.
“In the castle we, parents could refresh our historical knowledge. We took part in an unforgettable family trip. Piroska sang us, then during the lunch she talked to us. Thank you!” Major family
“It was an unforgettable experience to visit Hollokő, because I have never been on a trip like this. I like that the village is so clean, the people are so open and kind.” Fehér Endréné
“We would like to say thank you to the Foundation, because we can only visit so beautiful places in this case.” Nagy and Czuczu family.
“Like „csányis” mother, I say thanks because of this nice day. We say thank you to the mentors, who made this day unforgettable.” Sósné Böbe