I’m going back home with the feeling I lived something great that will be in my memory and heart for years to come. These people touched my life and I hope I’ve done something good for them as well.
A few months ago I decided I was going to take a six week internship through AIESEC in their GCPD program. After checking dozens of forms, I found a very interesting one. Csanyi  Foundation’s form. So, interviews and contacts were made and on January 1st I finally arrived in Hungary. Even though you prepare yourself you never really know what’s ahead. I tried to stay positive and confident everything was going to work out fine, nevertheless a change like this is always a little bit scary.


Before my internship effectively started, I stayed in Budapest for two days. And it was on January 2nd that I met Judit. I will remember this day. I should say that my expectations only grew even more optimistic from there. Judit is a kind hearted person and her cheerfulness just comforts you. She also showed me some of the wonderful people I was going to meet later here in Kaposvár.


On January 3rd , the girls from AIESEC, Zsofi and Kitti, helped me get on the train to Kaposvár. Here I met Juci, Sasa and Attila. Those three people will live in my heart forever among the best people I know. I felt incredibly welcomed. It felt great. They helped me adapt and were always ready to lay a helping hand with a smile in their faces. I will always remember the time we all spent together.


On Saturday, January 5th , I met the kids for the first time. We sat down and got to know each other and it just got better from there. They welcomed with such care. The way only kids can do. We watched English lessons together, talked to each other to practice our English, played games and in our spare time we had snowball fights, built a snowman, played football and shared a few laughs. And as in last week, we are now experts in First Aid techniques!


Due to a fortunate coincidence, I met another Brazilian in Kaposvár! A Capoeira teacher that turned out, along with his students, to become a dear friend. So, we’ve arranged a capoeira lesson for the teens of Sasa’s group and had a ball.


Now my internship is coming to an end and, although I wanted to stay and have a little more of all this, it’s time to say goodbye. But it’s not a sad occasion. I’m going back home with the feeling I lived something great that will be in my memory and heart for years to come. These people touched my life and I hope I’ve done something good for them as well. The work done here is something special and I’m glad I could be a part of it. I will keep in touch, of course, and, I know it’s not easy, but I really want to come back when I get the chance.


Thank you AIESEC and Csányi Foundation.


I look forward to the day we’ll meet again, so see ya!
Frenanda, AIESECer from Brazil