Parental Meeting and Parent’s Academy in Mohács

Parental Meeting and Parent’s Academy in Mohács

The Mohács 1 and 2 group held the year summarising meeting on 30th of May.

The first part of the meeting we welcomed Petra Bogdán, our psychologist. She kows our children very well because from the beginning she can help them learn to cope with different problems and situations. She could give a lot of practical advice to the parents about their teenegers’ relationships and conflicts. Each parent was given a few ideas how to have a good ’parent-children’ relationship.

The second part of the meeting was about summarizing this term. It was not an easy term with lots of changes, new schools, new expectations. Fortunately, many of our children were able to take the B1 complex language exams and the ECDL exams, too. Finally, we talked about the upcoming events and summer camps.