Programming in Pécs

Programming in Pécs

On 11th December the whole day was about programming in the community house in Pécs.

The groups from Pécs and Nagybajom will take part in the NI mentor project in 2015/2016 school year. The aim of the programme is to introduce children to the world of programming in a fun visual way. It starts in primary and secondary schools and the future goals include training the engineers of the futures. The opening was visited by dr. Ábrahám László director of NI Hungary Kft and dr. Radoszáv Miklós operations manager of the Csányi Foundation. Then came a presentation of what these robots can do.

We thank volunteers Boós Gergő and Szabó Gábor for taking pictures. Images are available in the gallery. Pécs 3, Nagybajom 3 groups