
ICDL exam in Szeged

We have been preparing for the ICDL exam since April with the help of Móric Váradi, who gave us all...

Our first experiences in Szeged

"On Saturday, as the first joint program of the Szeged groups, we visited the Mórahalom buffalo reserve, where our Csányi...

Parents’ Forum in Mohács

"We held our spring meeting on June 11th at the Community House. We discussed current topics that define the year....

Bonafarm trip in Békáspuszta

This year, the applicant students had the opportunity to visit Békáspuszta as a reward for the competition announced jointly with...

Our art

"In this school year, the Jászság Art Group worked a lot on the Csodafa project, so for the last sessions...

We can count on each other

"Our group held a joint end-of-year evening, where we discussed together the events and achievements of the school year, as...

Parental meeting in Jászberény

On Tuesday afternoon, during the first part of the parent-teacher meeting, we discussed the upcoming international trip. Some members of...

ICDL exam in Nagybajom

"Students from Nagybajom Group 2 took the ICDL Computer Basics exam. We prepared for this topic during the past weeks'...

First Parental meeting in Szeged

"Yesterday was wonderful because we were invited to Szeged by the Csányi Foundation for a parent-child meeting organized for us....

Tallérgyűjtő excursion

As per tradition, our students participated in the multi-round language Tallérgyűjtő competition reward trip this school year, this time in...

Parents’ Forum in Pécs

Before the start of summer experiences and camps, representatives of the groups met at the Pécs Community House to participate...

Rippl-Rónai Festival in Kaposvár

On Thursday, May 30th, the Rippl-Rónai Festival began in Kaposvár, offering concerts, numerous exhibitions, and artistic events true to its...

The way of the Túró Rudi

Gourmet Delight in No Time: The Secrets of Sole-Mizo Túró Rudi My name is Izabella Varga, a senior student at the...

Mohács 500 project

"As part of our Mohács 500 project, we went on a study trip to Szigetvár and Pécs. To our surprise,...

Parent-teacher meeting in Kaposvár

The first parent-teacher meeting for the newly selected Freshmen during the spring selection took place in Kaposvár on May 27th....