
Eastbourne 2017

Day 1: (25 th June) Today, the long waited the time has come of the English language course. We all...

Language project day

On 3rd June the language classes came to an end for this year with the now traditional language project day...

We’re on a boat

We went out to row on a dragonboat on this wonderful sunny morning (3rd June)....

Time Capsule

Today is the closing day of our international 2016 – 2017 school year project, the Time Capsule Project (2016 –...


A május 25-i Természetbúvár Klub foglalkozáson a Csányi Alapítvány szegedi 3-as csoportjának egy része egy rövid túrán a vett...

Rippl-Rónai Festival

25th May on the first day of the Rippl-Rónai festival with some of our group members we took a...


On 25th May the Csányi foundation was invited to the 25th anniversary of the Fáy András foundation....


On 20th May, the members of the Csányi Band performed at the family day of OTP where they were invited....

Announcing the results

The Csányi Foundation is happy to announce the winners of the competition called "Be a junior mentor V."...


Today I made a rousing lesson to younger members of our group for the chemistry lesson next year....

Ceremonious opening

The students of the groups of Mohács took possession of their new community center on April 25. The founder, Dr....

Announcing the results

The Csányi Foundation launched a call for tender supported by the group called BONAFARM....

Vocational day

A mai napot (április 20.) Krzyzewsky Nórával, a Bonafarm Csoport minőségirányítási igazgatójaval töltöttük....