
Adventures in Transylvania

The kids from Kaposvár and Mohács set off on a big trip on Sunday morning 10 July. The group went...

My first degree

On June 29, I was able to receive my certificate for completion of the National University of Public Service, Faculty...

I became a health teacher

On 1 July, I officially became a certified health teacher and received my diploma in Pécs. I started my training...

A day at Lake Tisza

"Today (4 July) the group spent the day together in Poroszlo, at the Lake Tisza Ecocentre, which is located right...

Health Camp in Jászberény

"This week we are holding our Health Camp at the Jászberény Beach and Thermal Bath. In the mornings when we...

Freshman camp in Sarlóspusta

It's amazing how much you can fit into a single day. On the first day of the Csányi Foundation's Freshers'...

Szentes: Health in the focus

The Health Camp has started in Szentes: on the first day the foods were the main theme. After the morning...

Bournemouth 2022

On 26th June, 2022, we set off for the misty Albion with 39 of our students to begin a camp...

XXVIth World Jász Meeting

On the last weekend of June, the XXVIth World Jász Meeting was held in Jánoshida, with our founder - Dr....


We would like to congratulate our patron, Dr. Katalin Karikó, for receiving the European Inventor Award from the European Patent...

Tanévzáró grillparty

 On 18 July, we held a grill party in our beautiful community house. We made chicken, sausages and grilled cheese...

Augsburg 2022

The Foundation's most talented German learners - 21 students who successfully completed a year-long, five-round German language competition -  were...