
‘Clown Suit’

On October 14th (Saturday) the 3rd group of Kaposvár could have an interesting and special experience at the theatre. In...

Parents’ Academy

On 14th October the parents of Group 1 of Kaposvár were invited to participate in an informal discussion regarding their...

Butterflies, egrets, herons

The Photographers of Group 2 of Szeged visited Mórahalom and Ásotthalom the last two weekends. As the weather turned better we...

Family Day – Sástó

On 30th September the members of the Jaszsag and their family visited Sástó. On this wonderful autumn day, we had...

Thank you once again

LR Health and Beauty Magyarország is a heath, beauty and cosmetic specialist company. LR’s success story should also be reflected...

Family Day

On  30 September the groups of Mohács 1 and 2  held their family day together. We had a beautiful sunny...

Better to give

In the past fes days we did voluntary work in the local kindergarten supported by the Pick company. When our...

ECDL camp

On 29th September (Friday) the 3rd group of Kaposvár started their ECDL exam in our newly supplied IT room. They’ve...

European Reseachers’ Night 2017

On 29th September the groups of Kaposvár visited an event dedicated to popular science hosted by the University of Kaposvár....

Announcing the result

The Csányi Alapítvány announced a competition called "Öko-chess" supported by the Polgár Judit Chess Foundation. Altogether 33 students entered the...

Learning strategy training

The youngest group of Jászsági community house participated in learning strategy session that was the contunie of summer camp lessons....

Family Day

We have been waiting for this day (23rd September), regarding that we are all beginners in the life of the...

Airplane Days

On Saturday on September 16 few members of the group Szeged 2 went to the Airplanes Day. The show was...

With Erasmus in Madrid

I'm Gergely Szabó from Pécs 1. I started university at the IBS in Budapest and now I have won a...


We have had the chance in the last 2 months to peek into the life of the F12 Ltd. and...