
Taekwondo international success

"After the online competitions, we can now compete in person again. There have been two big Taekwondo competitions recently, where...

I became an ambulance nurse

I graduated from high school in 2020 and continued my studies at the META-Don Bosco Vocational High School in the...

“Ria, Ria, Hungária”

'Today, we were able to visit Hungary-Germany football match thanks to our founder. After we reached Budapest, we met the...

Our responsibility…

On 30-31 May, the Foundation’s mentors from Szeged and Szentes, as well as the Office of the organisation participated in...

Graduation Concert

"On Friday, 30.05.2022, the graduation concert of my Pécs 3 groupmate, Tihamér Szereceán Szihamér took place in the Budapest Jazz...

Awarding the Ambassador Title

In spring 2022, the Foundation's Children's Parliament established a new title to recognize grantees whose achievements have contributed to the...

B terv

  További képeket a galériában talál. További képeket a galériában talál....

Family day in Jászberény

On the last weekend of May, the groups of the Community House of Jászság gathered to present the results of...

Portfolio Evaluation in Nagybajom

Today, on 27 May, the 10th grade students' portfolio evaluation took place in Nagybajom. We were honoured to have the...

Language exams

The end of the school year is always an exciting time, with exams for seventh-grade students. During these weeks, the...

György Ferenczi Professional Day

We had the honour to participate in the 25th György Ferenczi Professional Day, organised by the 130 years old Rákospalota...


On May 21, we were able to attend this year’s OTP Family Day. The Open-Air Ethnographic Museum in Szentendre served...

Our castle

On the last handicraft profession of the Safety project we learned about the castles. What the children were learned on...


Alex Pászti, a 7th grade student in the 3rd group in Szeged, spends a lot of time and energy with...


“On 16 May, I participated in the 24th National Scientific Student Conference of the Hungarian Food Science and Technological Association...