
Easter Gift

Community House of Szeged - on 20 April, our mentors were waiting for us at 10 a.m. but the vast...


The National Kickbox Student Championship was held in Békéscsaba in March. There were 500 participants from several kickbox clubs nationwide...


The XV. Gold Cup Gymnastics Competition was held in Szeged on March 30, where Ramóna Petrovszki, member of Group 2...


The Dugonics Society and the Youth Department called for a photo contest in the following topic: reflection-impression. With the help...

Summer Fête

The third day – 13th April 9:30 We happily welcome our guests.   10:30 Dr. Csányi Sándor, the Founder welcomed...

Rehearsals; Done

We have gathered together on this weekend to finish the setlist for Gala. According to the genres, it is going...

End of term exam

Following the Foundation's traditions April is the month when the end of term oral exams take place. This year has...

FIFA-championship 2019

Nagybajom: Today, the FIFA-championship reached its local finals in Nagybajom. Fifteen children entered the competition and were divided into three...

Talent Selection Process in Szeged

16 March 2019 The second day of the Talent Selection Programme in Szeged 7:45-9:00 The registration started with the new candidates...

English in the Zoo

In the beautiful spring weather we had a funny English lesson combined with a nice stroll in the zoo. We...

Workshop in Amnesia

The Csányi Foundation and the Amnesia group ran its collaborative project of “See, learn and make it happen III.” For...

Afternoon bowling

On the 2nd of March after the lessons and the language test we went to the bowling alley in Újszeged....

It has begun

The Foundation invites applicants for the Foundation's Educational Programme. Altogether 67 applications arrived to 1st March. Good luck to all...

One of my Projects

 On this day (2nd of march) I gave a presentation for the szeged 3 group about what I am studying....

We tried out Bulikonyha

On 27th February 2019 Group  of Szeged visited Bulikonyha, a place where everyone can be taught to cook if they...

Boxing Gold Medal

Szombaton hosszú és eseménydús napunk volt Egerben az Észak-Magyarországi Ökölvívó Régió Pofonparti Sorozaton. A versenyen közel 240 induló vett részt...