
Vocational day

A mai napot (április 20.) Krzyzewsky Nórával, a Bonafarm Csoport minőségirányítási igazgatójaval töltöttük....

Poems otherwise

I have participated in the competition of Déri Miksa Secondary School organized for the Hungarian Poetry Day....

Easter surprise

It has been the third time that the children have recieved this wonderful chocolate egg!...

Students’ Olympics of Chess

Peredi Olivér az elmúlt hétvégén március 31-április 2. között a Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok Megyei Sakk Diákolimpiai döntő győztes csapatával képviselhette megyénket a...

Team competition

10.03.2017 I participated in the first national law enforcement competition for those who are student in high school....

Parent’s Academy in Mohács

2017.03.31 was held the first session of the  Parent’s Academy programme series  to the third groups parents....

The final push

On the first weekend of April all the kids of the Csányi Bad gathered in Pécs for a final push...