Kaposvár: The series of Advent Family Days began on Sunday afternoon at the Kaposvár Community House with Group 4th. At...
Kaposvár: The series of Advent Family Days began on Sunday afternoon at the Kaposvár Community House with Group 4th. At...
What could be more challenging then making the first impression be positive. That was one of the focus points of...
As the holidays approached, we decided that we help dogs and the people there by giving donating food to the...
In the exhibition At the Carrier Day, "I Am Who I Am" contest, we won a creative day combined with...
Late afternoon an extraordinary event started at the Nagybajom Community House. Members of the NB3 group had played with FIFA,...
"Today we were given the opportunity to visit the office of SMP Solutions Zrt. in Budapest and see into...
10th December - Kaposvár The day has finally come! All of us have been excited for the verbal language exam, here...
On 7th December two of our colleagues represented the Foundation on the regular annual meeting of MATEHETSZ, which is the...
Every little hearts in our Community Houses are preparing themselves for the coming Family Day. Hereby we would like to...
The LIONS Club has announced a drawing competition called "The Road to Peace" for 11-13 year olds. I got this...
In Kaposvár Group 4th we had an unusual language class today. The students learning English and German spent this afternoon...
We warmly congratulate to Mrs Judit Polgár who won the European Golden Pawn Awards. Out of twelve categories, she won...
Saturday morning started in a rather unusual way at the Kaposvár Community House. Before the project sessions Adam Balogh, our...
We spent November’s last Saturday watching a movie in Nagybajom. We watched the movie Christopher Robin while eating pop corn...
The next step of our project was on November 30th with our groups (Jászság 1. 2. 3.), our students, our...
Jászság Group 4 took part in a science day on Saturday, November 30th, during which we traveled to Eger early...
On November 29 the Parents Academy program series held its last performance in Group 4th of Kaposvár. Our invited guest...
We organized an advocacy forum in Kaposvár on 28th of november thursday afternoon. Four parents and four mentors partecepated this...
Today, We got in the middle of the British Pop music. We began the work with a song called ´Turning...