

On Saturday (12/11), we came to the community center at 9 in the morning, where we divided into 2 groups...

Charity Day

We were not idle on Social Work Day either, as some of us volunteered at a charity event. Invited by...

Lehel Vezér Cup in Jászberény

"The Lehel Vezér Cup and Nándor Eperjesi Nándor International Taekwon-do Memorial Tournament took place in Jászberény on November 05, where...

The permanence of change

On the first Friday of November, the Parents' Academy took place in Kaposvár Group 2. As in the previous exercise,...

Innovation in Lego robotics

Ferenc Borbás is not only working to strengthen local identity as the chief of Jászkun, but is also at home...

Making a swallow’s nest

"Délelőtt tízkor beérkeztünk a Közösségi Házba. Megnéztünk egy videót amiben azt mutatták be, hogy hogyan kell gipszből fecskefészket készíteni. Miután...

The Children’s Parliament met again

"Today's Children's Parliament meeting, together with the Football and Chess Championships, was hosted in Mohács, together with the Representative Forum. ...

Science without limits – Vision

"The aim of the introductory session of our sub-project "Visual Space" is to sensitise students to the elements of scientific...

Halloween Project

"On 28 October, we held our first project day of the school year, which was in the spirit of Halloween....

Irish tradition reborn

További képeket a Galériában talál. További képeket a Galériában talál....

Sustainable transport

In the program of "Ready, Set, Drive! VI." I was able to give my presentation today to the younger members...

On New Roads in Kaposvár

The Kaposvár Community House was filled with great excitement on Saturday, October 22, as the youngest group had an unforgettable...

Halloween atmosphere

The Nagybajom community center had a terrifically exciting day. On Saturday morning, all three groups showed up for their weekly...