

My heartfelt congratulations to all those who have completed their secondary school studies, and I wish them a meaningful, enjoyable...

OTDK experience

In November, the Ybl Miklós Faculty of Architecture of Óbuda University held the Academic Student Conference, where I won 1st...

ECDL Module Exam in Nagybajom

"On 3 May 2023, the 2nd group of Nagybajom took part in their next ECDL module exam. The topic Presentation...

Guidance Festival

We grew up together, we have grown up together - this was the thought that accompanied us throughout the 16th...

Séf the world

In addition to preparing for the ECDL and language exams, the members of the Jászság Group 4 also participate in...

I’ve got a Master’s Degree!

This spring was a very happy occasion for me, as I received my Master's degree from Corvinus University of Budapest...


In the morning on 26 March I landed in Athens, where I spent wonderful five days with my Hungarian counterparts...

Lecture on safe driving

"Today, in the Community House, the Jászberény Group 1, 2 and 4 listened to my presentation, which I prepared for...