
English Travel Journal

Part6/Day 6 Today was our last day at school, which made us feel blue, because even within this short space...


23rd June - 17 students were awarded to participate on the intensive language course in Augsburg from 23rd - 30th...

Health camp, Jászberény

On Monday the Health Camp for Jászság 3 started.  We had a healthy breakfast, we prepared and it but we...

Upper Hungary – historical camp

1st day - Today we went abroad to our destination in Pozsony, somebody earlier, somebody later. From Kaposvár they were...

Parent’s meeting Jászság 3.

The children of Jászság 3 and their parents had their usual parents’ meeting, where the group discussed the 2018/19 scholar...

Competiton, AIESEC, Margaret islan

This school year the Foundation organised several online competitions in which the kids could strengthen their English and German language...

The decision 2019

This week letters will be sent to the 67 applicants, who participated the Selection Process of the Foundation. On May 7th,...


On 27th April, the girls had the opportunity to visit the arboretum in Vácrátót. The greenhouses contained exotic flowers, cactuses...

Easter Gift

Community House of Szeged - on 20 April, our mentors were waiting for us at 10 a.m. but the vast...

Summer Fête

The third day – 13th April 9:30 We happily welcome our guests.   10:30 Dr. Csányi Sándor, the Founder welcomed...

End of term exam

Following the Foundation's traditions April is the month when the end of term oral exams take place. This year has...

5th modul

On 1st of April, we passed our fifth ECDL exam from the seven, which was about Microsoft Access. With the...

FIFA-championship 2019

Nagybajom: Today, the FIFA-championship reached its local finals in Nagybajom. Fifteen children entered the competition and were divided into three...

Csopa and the Időfutár

I could not wait this trip with the members of the Jászság 3 group to Budapest, where we had a...